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Our Trust of Schools

Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA)

Exwick Heights Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA) 

We aim to bring together parents, teachers and other community members who are committed to supporting our children through education, and offering a wide range of fun activities and fundraising within the school along the way.

Often people think the PTFA is run by the school; however, this is not the case. Behind the scenes are just dedicated parent helpers who want to provide the best for the children. Often grandparents and other friends help too. Funds raised are spent on items that would not usually be bought out of the school budget. The funds the PTFA raise is intended to enhance, enrich, and strengthen the children’s school environment.

If you would like to become an active member or just volunteer at events, please contact


Upcoming Activities 

Sponsored Colour Run 

12th July 2024

School Lottery 


Meet The Committee 

Clare Boyter (Chair) 

I have been involved with the school PTA since about 2018. I took on the chair role in September 2022 and we became a PTFA. A little about myself.... I have 3 children, the oldest 2 have now left Exwick Heights and my eldest has just left Secondary school. I’m passionate about making our school a fun and inclusive place for all our children. I originally joined to get more involved to meet other parents, it’s turned into so much more. We have a fantastic team and certainly have lots of fun preparing and creating our events. We all understand how hard it is to juggle family and work life and then to ask you to give up some free time too, but the reward we get seeing the children's faces from the work we have put in makes it all worthwhile.

Josie Bagwell (Vice Chair) 

When my youngest started at Exwick Heights nursery I decided it was time to give back to the school where my older children had thrived by joining the PTA and helping to raise money that would directly benefit the children. Even with young children this was very easy as there was absolutely no pressure to be involved in anything that I didn't feel I could. Six years later, I'm proud of the events that we organise and the money that we raise for the children. Being part of a team of wonderful parents who give up their spare time to ensure the children have the best that we can give them is truly rewarding.


Vacancy (Treasurer) 

If your interested in this role please email:

Becky Edmond (Secretary) 


Fundraising Activities

Take a look at some of our great fundraising and volunteering events we have done.