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Our Trust of Schools


Here at Exwick Heights Primary School we have a school uniform policy because we believe that school uniform:

  • Looks smart
  • Wears well
  • Contributes to a sense of belonging and community
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Fosters a feeling of pride


  • Dark grey (not black or light grey), trousers (not joggers or leggings), shorts, pinafore or skirt. Nursery children may wear leggings or joggers as these are easy for children of this age to take on and off.
  • Green and white gingham dress or playsuit (if children are able to manage a playsuit independently) - summer time
  • White polo shirt (with or without school badge),
  • School cardigan or jumper (with logo),
  • White, grey or black socks

Cardigans, Sweatshirts and T-shirts with the school’s logo are available from Thomas Moore, Fore Street, Exeter, where they can be purchased in the shop or available to order online here.


Sturdy, smart black, flat shoes that are suitable for active playtimes should be worn. We would prefer children to wear shoes rather than sandals, but if your child would like to wear sandals in the summer months, we ask that they are closed toe wherever possible and only black or white in colour. Open-toe sandals are difficult to run around in and we find that children are more likely to trip and fall when wearing this style.

Children may wear smart black (all over) trainers to school. Coloured trainers (including black trainers with a white or coloured edge or sole) are not permitted and we also kindly ask that children do not wear crocs, jellies or boots including wellies.

Outdoor Clothing (and other weather protection)

At times the children engage in learning activities outdoors. As such, please ensure your child has:

  • a warm, waterproof coat during the autumn and winter; during the spring and summer months a waterproof raincoat is essential.
  • a warm hat, gloves and scarf for the autumn/winter season; during the summer months, a sunhat is necessary.

Some children also have sensitive eyes to the sun, or due to hayfever; we are happy for them to wear sunglasses to school but please make sure that these are plastic because of health and safety issues. Prescription sunglasses or reactive lens glasses are also acceptable.

With regard to suncream, we ask that you apply a high factor sun cream to your child before they come to school but are happy for your child to bring in sun cream to re-apply independently at lunchtime. If your child has a particular sensitivity to sunlight, please contact the office.

PE Kit

Staff will inform parents/carers when a PE kit is required.

PE kit includes:

  • Black shorts
  • Plain round neck T-shirt in your child’s team colour (Earth – green, Fire – red, Air – yellow, Water – blue) – we will let you know their team colour at the beginning of the autumn term.
  • Trainers
  • Track-suit or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms (any colour) for cooler weather.

Book Bag

Your child will bring home reading practice books, as well as a library book each week. We ask that these are kept in a book bag (or similar) to prevent damage or loss. Book bags are available in the main office and can be purchased using MCAS.


No jewellery should be worn to school other than one small stud in ear/s

All long hair (shoulder-length or below) should be tied back -we ask that large hair accessories are not used.

We also ask that hair dye, shaved hair designs, nail varnish and temporary tattoos are kept for school holidays.

Lost Property

On occasions, belongings (e.g. water bottles, school bags, clothing) are lost. When this happens, the school will make every effort to recover lost items. Lost property will be kept and shown to children. However, the school cannot reimburse money for such lost items, unless a member of staff carries responsibility for the loss.

Second-hand Uniform

In our main office, there is a rail of pre-loved uniform available for purchase.