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Our Trust of Schools

Who We Are

Exwick Heights is a large and vibrant Primary School on the North-Western edge of Exeter. We aspire for our pupils to achieve  academic excellence and personal empowerment  and this is underpinned by our values of kindnesscuriosity, and determination.

At Exwick Heights we believe in the potential of every pupil to achieve greatness. Our dedicated and passionate team is committed to providing a high-quality education that challenges and inspires. We strive to create an environment where pupils not only excel academically but also develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

Gemma Wills

Our school values underpin everything that we do in our school:

We are dedicated to fostering a culture of kindness, where every individual feels valued and respected. Our pupils learn the importance of empathy and compassion, building strong, positive relationships with their peers and the wider community.

Curiosity is at the heart of our educational approach. We encourage our pupils to ask questions, explore new ideas, and seek out knowledge. By nurturing their natural inquisitiveness, we aim to develop independent thinkers who are eager to discover and innovate.

We support our pupils to show determination by setting ambitious goals and working diligently to achieve them. Through resilience and perseverance, they learn to overcome challenges and celebrate their successes.

As you explore our website, I hope you gain a sense of the vibrant and supportive community that defines our school. We are proud of our pupils' achievements and the positive, inclusive atmosphere that permeates our classrooms and corridors.

Thank you for visiting our school website and I look forward to welcoming you in person to our wonderful school. 

Warm regards,

Gemma Wills  
