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Our Trust of Schools

Art & Design

At Exwick Heights Primary School, we enrich children’s artistic development through a range of practical experiences in the classroom based on a skills-based curriculum (KAPOW). This is designed to foster and raise aspirations, opening the children up to the potential of their artistic talent. We want children to enjoy having Art in their lives as not only a way of enjoyment, but also as a potential future career: the world needs sculptors and painters and in their lessons is where they can start to dream! There are many opportunities throughout the year for children to showcase their artistic talents, build their creative confidence and deepen their interest in the arts throughout the year. In weekly assemblies we develop our knowledge of artists and we use the outdoor learning environments to inspire our learning. We have an annual ART week which culminates in school display and assembly. We also regularly will celebrate the children’s art and that of a range of artists in our school environment and on our Facebook page.