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Our Trust of Schools

Attendance and Absence

What does good attendance look like? Why does it matter?

There is overwhelming evidence to show that good attendance is one of the most important factors in securing a child’s sustained academic success. Absence does impact on academic progress with both extended and sporadic absences (a day here, two days there) adding up to significant amounts of a child’s education missed. An attendance rate of 90% is equivalent to almost one month of missed learning per year which, over a child’s time at primary school, could mean over half a year of missed education.

The value of good attendance habits also goes far beyond academic success. Attending school every day helps pupils to establish and maintain friendships, teaches them key transferrable skills such as organisation and punctuality and allows a child to fully enjoy the enrichment and extra-curricular activities on offer.

At Exwick Heights, we consider good attendance to be 97% and where a child’s attendance dips, we will reach out to see how we can support. All schools work closely with Early Help as well as health and the local authority teams who may be able to help if needed. A referral to the Attendance Engagement Service (AES) may occur should a child’s attendance fall to below 92%.

Reporting absence

If a pupil is absent from school, it is essential that parents/ carers contact the school before 9:00am on the absence line 01392 209030, the MCAS app or by email Please state your child's full name, year group and the reason for being absent from school. Parents/carers need to contact the school for each day a child is off even if it is for the same period of absence. If the absence is not explained, the school will ring you and the emergency contacts we hold for the child and a home welfare check may be carried out.


It can sometimes be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they are unwell. Please review the NHS’s ‘Is my child too ill for school’ guidance when unsure. Sometimes, children feel under the weather: they are perhaps not feeling their best but are well enough to come into school. Where this is the case, please complete the Under the Weather form to let us know. Our class teachers can keep a close eye and let you know if we have any concerns.

Medical Appointments

We ask that all non-emergency medical appointments, such as routine dental checks, are booked outside of school hours so that your child’s learning is not disrupted. Where this is not possible, you must complete an S2 absence request form in advance and provide the school with evidence of the appointment. The S2 form is available below, or paper copies can be sought from the front office. These can be handed back to the front office or emailed to

Family Holidays

Under the Education Regulations 2013, no requests for family holidays during term time can be authorised by the Headteacher. We recognise that it is often expensive to take a holiday during school breaks; however, it is important that parents carefully consider the serious educational and legal implications that taking a child out of school may have. A pupil’s unauthorised absence from school could result in the following:

  • A penalty notice: The penalty is £80 per parent, per child, payable within 21 days, rising to £160 if paid between 22 and 28 days. If a second penalty notice is issued within a rolling 3-year period the penalty is £160 per parent, per child, with no option to pay the lower amount.
  • Prosecution

Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional circumstances, and where permission is sought in advance and a child’s attendance is over 97%, a leave of absence may be authorised. For all absence requests, parents and carers must complete an S2 form in advance. This form is available below, or paper copies can be sought from the front office. These can be handed back to the front office or emailed to