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Our Trust of Schools

Pupil Premium Funding

Our School’s Vision

Every child has a dream and, at Exwick Heights Primary School, it is our collective intention to ensure that every child has the opportunity to realise these dreams, including the most underserved within our school community. We strive relentlessly and passionately for educational equity and social justice and to do this, we use our Pupil Premium funding.

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding is additional funding given to schools to help them raise the attainment of socio-economically deprived students. Allocation of funding is made according to the number of students entitled to free school meals currently or at any time within the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM).

Pupil Premium Plus funding is given to schools to support children who have been looked after by the local authority for one day or more, have been adopted from care or have left care.

How does Exwick Heights use the Pupil Premium funding?

Pupil Premium funding is used at each school’s discretion but must be shown to enhance pupils’ learning. At Exwick Heights, we reflect on the challenges seen in our own school setting whilst applying recommendations made by the Department of Education and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Primarily, we use Pupil Premium funding to ensure high-quality education through continued professional development and targeted intervention. However, we are also acutely aware of the role that social capital, aspiration and self-perception play in a child’s academic progress. We therefore also use our funding to pay in-part or in-full for many enrichment opportunities. By participating in a wide range of experiences, beyond those at home, our pupils see themselves as capable and adventurous pupils who can aim higher than they previously expected. We monitor and review the impact of our funding regularly, adapting, expanding or ceasing any strategies as required.

What is Service Pupil Premium?

Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is additional funding for schools designed to help with pastoral support for children who have one or more parent/carer serving in HM Forces or has retired on a pension from the Ministry of Defence. Click here for more information.

More Information or Further Support

For more information, review this guidance If you would like any support in applying for Free School Meals, please contact our Pupil Premium Lead, Miss Emily Baxter via

Each year, we publish how we spend our Pupil Premium. We are currently within the second year of our three-year Pupil Premium Strategy.